breakfast of choice, bagels and strawberry jelly:)


last night we had evia overnight by herself, she did great, never a tear and got in bed, in the front room, with a night light on an after saying prayers laid her head down and went to sleep:) that was after our hour ride home and she talked about the whole way home! we thought she was going to fall asleep. she asked if we could say a prayer for levi, she said he only has to get poked once………..he will be in chicago today getting a scan and check up with his urologist i think or the guy that did the surgery??? i didn’t ask…………say a prayer, i always wonder what goes through his head at the doctors office….

she has informed papa, he doesn’t need to call her bitty bug anymore~!!!

levi loves macy, he says i like macy the most!


later today heading back north for emma’s t-ball practice:) …gonna spend the night with mom so i can take her to bible study in the morning, save me one trip anyway, and she really likes when i spend the night:) i like the time with her, hearing stories.

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