this is how we ended a friday and saturday………. mom and me on the swing, i think we wore her out today!



she worries about the dogs every minute she is with them!


a beautiful night in lafayette, porch sitting


this is how we started the day! going to watch our all star player:)


in action fielding………….


scoring a run, they lost and it was a hot one today, but a good time was had by all:)


tam made sure grandma was in the shade:) grandma always says she thinks tam is so delightful:)


grandma with the 3 kids after the game, she talked all about us playing baseball and her coaching, it was so nice hearing her recall things and enjoying it so much


emma with her coaches! yeah, not really………..but i had papa wear his old hebron little league shirt, just for old times sake! talk about …..don’t blink!!!


matt and peg brought the boys over to kessling park where they were playing, i had to get a pic of them with evia!!! evia and nolan are both 5! and caleb is 3…come on little bit…. you can grow!!!


stopped at the train restaurant in monon on the way home, she enjoyed some perch and then tonight i made a summer skillet…she was thrilled and said she had been wanting one of those for a very long time! we had stopped at a roadside stand for some tomatoes, mine aren’t ready yet!  all in all a great day:)

i realize this post is backward.could be lack of sleep! we got home last night pretty late, after visiting with dav and whit and enola, we stopped in wanamaker to buy pizza at the new bethel ordinary and headed to dav and whits, we did get to go to the closing program at camp, brought back memories of the kids being counselors….seeing all of them up there singing to the camp kids……..I LOVE CAMP!

here is our sweet enola:)


she was standing up here and letting go, it is hard to believe she will be 1 in just a few short weeks!!!


she climbed all over this little ride-em toy, she is a calm little girl, she really is attached to whitney, i think she is momma’s girl big time!  i loved being able to spend time with her, wish we could spend a lot more time together.


i say that, because we were over at pastors, night before last and emma called papa and she told us she had won her game (she got the game ball, for 2 triples and getting the game winning run) and she was playing again on saturday………….we had plans to be with dav and whit on saturday, but i had told em a few weeks ago, if she won her first game we would come and watch the next one…………………i forgot and i really wanted to make it work and see her and see enola too………………pastor said, you are not going to always be there for all of them………..i know, but this time we made it work and i am glad we did:) even if it did mean hours on the road:)

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