prayers for all the youth and chaperones going on our national gathering in new orleans this year…. prayers for safety for all and growth in their individual faith walk with Jesus:) they should all be headed down there now with the gathering starting tomorrow…. our youth left today, have a great time all……… about 35,000 high school youth!!!

The theme for the 2010 National LCMS Youth Gathering is “We Believe”, based on John 20:31, “But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (ESV)

About this theme, Rev. Terry Dittmer, Director for Youth Ministry notes, “Gathering participants always share how much it means to encounter other students who “believe like I do” as part of the National Gathering.  “We Believe” is a wonderful, corporate expression of our faith in Jesus Christ, especially as we focus on the creed and our confession as we take that faith to the New Orleans community in Word, celebration, service, witness and fellowship.”

brings back memories of shel and james both going with their home churches to new orleans back in 2001! at that time the theme was “HIGHER GROUND” the gathering hasn’t been held there since, it was scheduled to be, but then the hurricane hit and it had to be moved.  steph took 3 girls that year, shel, allison, and cori…. i think grace who james went with had like 15 kids go that year, probably the most since we have been at grace… this year we have 4.

after mike and i worked with the confirmation classes this year….i could write a whole post on youth in the church and what it takes to have them be involved, but i don’t have the energy right now …………praying God will work in parents lives to help them raise the next generation of workers in the harvest fields:)

One Comment

  1. Trinity had an awesome commissioning sending off service last week.
    also, pray those kids stay off bourbon st. 🙂

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