morning honey…morning dear……………..for 35 years! it’s awesome

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i love being married to mike:) he brings so much fun, joy laughter to everyday, one of the guys at church yesterday, said” “how do you two do it? you make life look like a party everyday!” it’s easy being in “MIKE’S WORLD”… to be blessed with great kids, spouses  and grandkids, it doesn’t get any better than this:)…yesterday pastor and donna asked us if they could take us out to dinner tonight:)

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yesterday was a party! we had 80 or 90 some vandercars and a few shirt-tail cousins:)  together for the vandercar reunion, thanks to doug and tom… the old time games our kids enjoyed as kids, came back, for the next generation of kids, you should have seen levi in the potato sack jumping! well with a little help. i have no pics camera was forgotten, but i will borrow a few when someone else posts, david, i think you are the only one with the huge group pic? thanks to dave and sandy for hosting


  1. just got back form dt kirbys with pastor and donna and had a great time, before that columbian park and zoo with dav whit and enola:) awesome day

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