since mike wasn’t with any of his sisters for his birthday, and shel wasn’t around to make his cake, i decided i needed to!


after 35 birthdays of being with him and never having made his favorite cake!!! huh,what!?!?!?! i never had to, his mom and sisters always did for me……………… i always let that be their thing… but this year 59 … was my turn to learn how to make the special frosting to put on his chocolate cake, it turned out good, at least it looks good, i’ll see what he says when we eat it:) justin is having us over for dinner, so this will be dessert. pretty low key day here with none of the kids around to celebrate………i included the frosting recipe from his moms church cook book for his daughter-in-laws in case they ever want to make him happy!!! notice you have to sift the powdered sugar,


i used my antique sifter that sits on my shelf, with other things from days gone by!!!

mike likes his back pack from llbean, the second one i bought….someone else got the first one:)


fixed mikes favorite lunch today, summer skillet…zucchini, green peppers, tomatoes, all from our garden, just melt some butter, fry some onions and green pepper, sprinkle with garlic salt and pepper add zucchini and tomatoes, cook and then add mozzarella cheese and cook til melted….delicious………… and the fresh peaches from the purdue farm…. think that is where tammy got them from?


we’re pretty birthdayed (i know that is not a word!) out at this point!!! celebrating with susie and family last night for her 60th and their 40th wedding anniversary, nancy your show was awesome for 60 years of susie:) lots of birthdays in july and august, happy birthday to those i missed, sorry can’t keep up sometimes.

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