
we got to see this little angel this weekend, she has changed so much, she slowed down growing…. doesn’t look as big as she did at christmas,


her daddy adores her!

so does nana


and papa…. giving kisses on those …oh so kissable cheeks!


she has had a couple of ear infections, and was running a fever…. when we got there, she was burning up, but by the time the motrin kicked in she was cool again and very happy and smiley:)

whit and i played dress up with her and put a white sox outfit on her…by request of aunt steph, for their newly decorated basement sports rooms…one side bears… one side sox!

enola….. our little white sox fan:)


we were up in crown point to see grandma, here she is after we discussed what she wanted to do, when she found out what the doctors found out…………….she said  “well i want those little girls to get to know me, i mean.. i think i am worth getting to know!”


steph and i read a sermon to her that was given on life sunday 1976 at valparaiso university, “called to be different”  given by richard john nuehaus… this would have been 3 years after roe vs wade!very good!

i do love reading to her and i told her that! she comments “i don’t want to be a bother” so i said “no, mom, i actually enjoy reading to you:)”

heading up there for the day

Life passes, riches fly away, popularity is fickle, the senses
decay, the world changes. One alone is true to us; One alone can
be all things to us; One alone can supply our need.

John Henry Newman

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