sitting here at stephs, bears game on, moms in the bedroom…. i can hear her moaning every so often, mike just left to go back to lafayette after a very tiring day… a welcome visit from some camp friends from fort wayne… a break from a day with mixed feelings…. i told mike after today, i wanted to rent a dumpster and throw out “stuff” …

toss this, this goes in the pile for church sale, this is garbage, this is good will …do you want this, no, yes, toss it, after 7 hours with help from my older brother and his wife,  and son….yes chris and peg and matt, i don’t know what we would have done with out your help, 5 of us working all day and every drawer emptied, banana boxes filled:)…. the house is empty, ‘cept for love seat and chair….and everything that needed to be looked at… yet another time, packed. so tiring, physically and emotionally… chris and peg and matt, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for realizing this was something that needed to be done and not left up to 2 people:) seriously thank you thank you thank you…mike thanks you!!! now that it is out of the house, our goal today to empty the house, which we did, but now it needs to be gone through box by box………………………..

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