if i don’t write on here all the time, i can’t remember from one day to the next, what we did! i guess it’s age:)

last saturday, mom was here for a bit, before we headed up to shelby for a party. she shared some addresses of places she had lived and schools she had gone to, it was interesting to do a search on some of the places she mentioned and even get on google street view to see what these places look like now! one of the lutheran schools she went to, was 7 blocks from comisky park!

saturday night we went to shelby lions hall,

the same hall we had our reception 35 years ago!


for wayne and francis haydens party…


susie and mike……….look like they could be twins!!!!


i was impressed by the hall, i thought nicer than the vfw halls we have been in. i guess it was pretty new in 75 when we booked it, i think it was completed in 1970


i didn’t remember the beamed ceiling


then on to findleys in shelby, i would say “backstreet america!”


before heading back to lafayette, then up in the morning to have breakfast at church, confirmation service and then on to hebron again for the 2nd float trip. these are the little ones that went, some of the “vanderbrandtmeth kids!” (vandercar-hildebrandt-nemeth)


i stayed home with tam and levi and gram.


levi had got hurt the day before and his finger was all bandaged, he thanked me over and over again for that little pez dispenser:)


poor little guy, what a trooper he is though:)


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