
as all of you know shel left for korea in june and just about crushed me, but knowing what would get me through, i turned to God and prayed, and pray hard i did! when people would ask me, how do you do it, i would say” i put them in God’s hands that is all i can do”, nothing else works! i did it for UA  when he left for africa and other ends of the earth and i did it for shel. it is hard not being able to physically hold them, but i know we really have it so much easier than those who came before us… with all of the technology we have available to us today, makes it so much easier:)

well for shel i knew if she could find a friend, that would be all she would need in her new world,

“please Lord bring someone into shels life that will be a friend to her and help both of them through the times they are away from family, please Lord”

that is the prayer i prayed everynight, and then one night shel called after about 2 months over there and said ‘”mom, i made a friend” i was so relieved and so happy for her, just like the day she came home from kindergarten and said “mom, i made a friend”!!!!!

mallory is her friend and they are starting this new adventure together, mallory asked shel to go on board with her and this is what they came up with:)

God answers prayer in a big way, and he knows that what these 2 girls are doing for others, is what they needed!




Mallory Sessions was born in Colorado but raised in Pearland, Texas. She is a proud Army wife, a stay at home mommy of one, a full-time student, and an aspiring blogger.  Currently her and her family are stationed in Dongduchon, South Korea. Any extra time Mallory has is spent building her dream of a non-profit organization devoted to Military Wives. She is also a writer for www.wivesinbloom.com. She enjoys dancing in the rain, singing as loud as she can, painting the world, and exploring all the places God has given us. Visit her blog athttp://mallorysessions.blogspot.com.


Michele Rockhill was born and raised in Northwest Indiana. She graduated from Purdue University in 2005. She reunited with her high school sweetheart and got married in 2008. She was thrown into the Army life and cannot imagine it any other way! She is a deployment survivor and knows how important the support of friends and family is. In 2009 one of her biggest dreams was fulfilled and she became a mom. She gets to spend all day taking care of their daughter, their biggest joy, Eliza. In June 2010 they picked up their comfortable life in North Georgia and relocated to Dongduchon, South Korea. The Army adventure continues! Michele loves to spend her time writing, taking pictures, reading, scrapbooking and watching movies. Some of her favorite memories come from summers spent at Camp Lutherhaven and Camp Lakeview. She thanks God daily for all of His blessings, big and small! Visit her blog at  http://jmrockhill.blogspot.com/

not sure why shels blog attachment won’t work ? i guess just cut and paste


  1. I was just thinking a few days ago that Mallory and James are to Shel and James what Mike and Lora were and are to Luke and me; friends and family, all rolled into one, at the time when you needed it the most! They’ll be friends for life, and I’m so thankful they’ve found each other. Thank Him for answered prayers! 🙂

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