after i got the team fed for lunch and they got packed up to head down the road, to the east coast! mike and i came home and decided we needed to let the dogs enjoy a walk, since we had somewhat ignored them, while we were taking care of the team….so we headed to do another part of the wabash trail

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maggs always wants to be the lead dog

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we stopped for mike to check the gps on his phone and there was a picnic table to rest at the half way point. maggs heard some gunshots and jumped up on the picnic table near mike


then back down the trail, well after maggs marks every tree on the trail!!!  some times he lifts his leg and can’t get any out, we tease him all the time:)

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saw heron island on the wabash


got home and macy was worn out


these were all taken on my phone, this phone has a 5 mega pixel camera, takes decent pics:)


  1. haha….you’re seeing more of lafayette, than I’ve seen in my 40 years of living here… 😀

  2. i know, mike and i love taking time out of our busy lives!!! we are enjoying all lafayette has to offer

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