i have really been blessed to have this time with my mom and i look at it like a gift that God has given me. i love that she shares and opens up and that i can tell her my thoughts and feelings and just say “i love you mom” and today she says to me “i love you and God knew what he was doing when he gave you to me” made my heart happy:)
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after bible study it’s grocery shopping time:) she’s pretty wild with her wheels! i love the time in patz’s people smile and i get some looks, kind of like… sorry for you…. but i just let her look at everything and take her time… i have all the time in the world when i come up here to be with her:)
thank you Jesus for letting me and my mom share this special time together:) and thank you Jesus for my sister steph who is REALLY BLESSED! i love you


  1. Your mom looks pretty in the blue sweater!
    It’s a gift to share these moments!! 🙂

  2. one of the grandkids said “when gramma has her hands folded (which she always does) is she always praying??!!!

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