i don’t really feel like writing on here, but i know some of you tell me you like reading my story and that you wanted an update on my mom……………

yesterday we took my mom to the doctor and we found out she had stage 4 colon cancer. she has decided that she does not want to have any treatments.  you could tell she is at peace with her decision………….

she did ask us of us that we would take her to bible study and church every week and said that would make her the happiest:) we can do that and we will do that….all of us pitching in to give her what she wishes for.

talk about someone having the JOY of Jesus in her heart, when asked, the doctor said “i can’t tell you how much time you will have left if you don’t treat it, it could be 9 mos. it could be 2 years???? everyone is different, we don’t know and her response went something like this, i am not quoting exactly but she responded to him

“you mean in 9 months i could be in heaven dancing with Jesus!”

i do face the future with sadness,

but also as mike puts it…………………..

with the joy that she  has in her heart knowing the promises that Jesus has given to us of life everlasting and the joys of spending eternity with him in heaven……………………………………..i hope you dance! i love you mom

this was taken at the superbowl party, a greeting for grandma from cade and evia:)



  1. oH Verna,
    I got chills reading your post just now!
    Going to write the rest in an email…..

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