yesterday was a very busy day…after a filled weekend…….. bible study and church then octoberfest and confirmation, we were at church all day and night!
during the octoberfest we had the mortgage burning! our church was able to pay off our mortgage that was 1 million something in 7 years! it was supposed to be a 20 year mortgage! PRAISING GOD FOR ALL HE HAS DONE FOR GRACE!!!
pastor and donna are standing in the background of this pic:) justin who provided the fire, keven jennings our financial wiz:) and steve strauch the president of our congregation


all gone!!!!

octoberfest was a huge success this year, we had a huge bounce house for the kids, cotton candy, popcorn, orange and root beer floats, clown making balloons, pumpkin decorating and a ton of german food to eat….i am on the fellowship committee, that puts these things together and the head of our committee is good at what she does:) i was in charge of the corn hole tournament and justin and mike won the 1st place prize…. or should i say justin did!!! sorry mike:)
i was busy so… i only took a couple of pics on my phone and some of those really weren’t too good.

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