yesterday steph, marilyn, deb and i went to see the play by the church basement ladies at governors state university, it was great, we laughed so hard!

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then we went out to eat at flossmor station,

great times and great friends. i came home last night, so exhausted and tired.
the last few days were hard with mom, it is getting closer to the time, we will have with her here on earth, i feel i have said all i can, let her know just how much i love her, and what she has meant to me, yesterday i read her a love letter i wrote for her, i might be able to share it sometime…i think i can handle this….but i know when the time comes there is no way you can prepare yourself for something like this, and i pray for my sister steph, she is the one that was her caregiver and i pray her grief will not be more than she can bear…please Lord surround her with your comfort and peace:)

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