first a couple pics of my little snow bunny:)


got to go get dav and whits christmas tree with them, their tradition is to buy a balled tree, that they then plant on their property






then warm up, and hot chocolate and cider in the log cabin:)


not a boring weekend here in lafayette…thats for sure! church on sunday, thanks mo for emmas surprise she loved it!
we have been enjoying time with these little ones, they keep us busy… but are really good at going to bed at night, a story, prayers and goodnights and they are off to dream land! levi takes good naps too, he hasn’t been feeling real good the whole time, ran a fever a couple of times, poor little guy


i thought it was ironic, mike’s company cancelled their christmas party this year…and luke’s company flies him and tammy to new york for theirs!!! hey somethings wrong with this picture:)

the past 2 years have been really slow for mike, and i guess the company as a whole…. they bought him a new coat instead, which he was totally ok with that! for 41 years he has been going to company christmas parties and for him, he doesn’t care if he ever goes to another:) for about 20 of those years i see these people once a year and it really is awkward not really knowing them, the only reason i will miss it, is finkbiners is at white fence farm and i liked that place:) i can’t believe mike has been at finkbiner for 18 years already, he was at hardings for a total of 20 years and a couple of others for a short time. he would love to be able to retire after 20 years, but with insurance and the past few years, it looks like that won’t happen. the Lord has other plans for us:)

the kids have been here since friday night and they are we still here, since all the flights were cancelled! luke and tam stayed an extra night and then rented a car and are making their way back… they might make it back before another night!?!!?

we’ve been keeping them busy with crafts, we did handprint and footprint pictures…




and when we visited dav and whits, whit made cookies with the kids:) the best aunt ever!

evia watched tv with levi, chuggington was a favorite!

not only 3 kids but 3 dogs!!! what are we CRAZY!!! here mike thinks he is the dog whisperer:)


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