i am blessed to have the ones that are with me:) don’t get me wrong….

mike said ” we started out together, just the two of us and here we are just the two of us, but so much more we added over the years to be happy about”

standing in the kitchen, making a salad for the vandercar gathering and tears streaming down my face… come on ….i did NOT need to hear this song!!! every little thing sets me off:( i have to get it together…. and be happy:)

but tell me this isn’t hard!…………first stop to see my mom


It’s Christmas all around me
You’re in someone else’s land
So I’m sending out my only wish
Hey Santa, tell the man

Hey mister, send my baby home
This December I don’t wanna be all alone
Oh, Christmas in America, I need you in my arms
Far away from harm, send my baby home


  1. got to skype with shel.
    they got the file and are downloading it. hopefully it will work.

    your post and experience make me wonder again. just how hard that year overseas was on my mom. wish i could go back and give her lots of hugs.

    but here’s another one for you.

  2. so glad you guys got to skype:) i know it meant a lot to shel and to me! what year were you in romania? i was just wondering what was going on in my life… i guess 4 little ones, i wish i could go back and give your mom extra hugs too!!!

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