a little bit ago UA called and got to talk to mom:) she was sleeping when he called but then woke, so they got to talk

yesterday, i left my car at stephs, i didn’t think i could drive home with out falling asleep… we weren’t 5 minutes out and we were spared a head on collision due to mikes awareness! long story, but we are here and once again thanking God for his protection all around us….. went home and slept, i got over 12 hours of much needed sleep and now am back up here with mom, i’ll be back in lafayette tomorrow…when this is all over, i will be staying off the road for awhile, it is taking it’s toll on me……mo thanks for calling and praying for all of us, i will try and call you….had communion again today, mom seems a little more at ease today.


  1. not a good week for v-brandts-hos. and cars.

    glad you are all ok.

    I think of all of you a LOT.

    will you be up north sun nite/mon. was thinking of stopping in at steph’s b/4 leaving for work on mon. morning….but don’t want to be a distrupter.

  2. we were up there, but are back in lafayette, went from one end of the state to the other today! down at dav and whits last night, to help with enola’s bed:) steph i am sure will welcome a visit..thanks for thinking of us:) miss you,

  3. oh, now I’m at susie’s…somehow all the grandkids made their way here after sunday dinner…so will prob. not get out of here early enough, b/4 needing to leave for work.

    so maybe next week? we’ll see.

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