just got home from super bowl party at stephs,
… no pictures taken by me, i’m sure they will be all over facebook:) just had to sit and write while it was fresh on my mind…it’s almost midnight down here and i am really tired, a long day with church stuff till past 2:00! a wake for a friends dad and then a party…. overload…………………..anyway
it just warms my heart to see mom getting so much love from all the kids, while sitting in her room with all the little ones, surrounding her…..she says to the big girls…the daughter-in-laws and shel, “i love seeing all these little ones and i want you to take care of these children and love them” i have to say, steph and my daughter-in-laws have been so wonderful through all this and for this we will be forever thankful…. mike said at one time he walked past and tammy was laying on the bed with mom rubbing her back and emma was on the bed leaning against the wall and they were having a chat…. emma is proving to be quite the care taker! and then when saying goodnight… evia wanted to get on the bed to give great grandma a kiss and did and then jumped off the bed:) i love how mom always tells me “how delightful tammy is”
and i loved the last post adrienne wrote, it was so heartfelt and i am just so thankful that my kids spouses all got to know grandma:)
good night

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