i’ve been busy and pretty much overwhelmed with a lot these days and mostly i have been enjoying my days filled with eliza love and shel:)
it has been great to get to know eliza and her know me, i’m anxious to see how she reacts to us skyping when she gets back to korea…. 10 short days…. when she wakes up in the morning she comes down and makes the sign for please and usually either points to the cookie jar or the freezer…so of course that means cookies or popsicles for breakfast:) sorry shel, that’s the price you had to pay to stay in bed:)
this was a morning for cereal


a package from daddy

a visit to see enola, yummy waffles



dav and whit painted the bed mike had made for david when he was a toddler… papa said “if she sleeps in it one full night, she will have had more time in it then david ever had!” it turned out nice and sits right next to the crib and enola, sleeps in it just fine:)


next post i’ll do levi, shel and tates birthday, i told myself when shel came, i wasn’t going to spend time on here and taking a ton of pics, i wanted to enjoy the moment and just stop and take the time to be together without all the distractions of technology… i pretty much stuck with it, if eliza ever came up to me, i would finish and set down what i was doing, she loves sitting next to me on the couch or on my lap:) …so glad i made a conscious effort to do this, can’t believe our time is coming to an end.
i’m up at stephs now, mom is sleeping….
mikes in vegas for 4 days at the big con expo show out there.
blessings on your day

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