david got a new stetson hat!


we met dav and whit and the girls down in indy to take them out to dinner, we met at texas roadhouse, enjoyed dinner and visiting with the girls, enola entertained us, deandra well she didn’t do too much of the entertaining:) davids birthday was wednesday……………
he watched as the waiters sang to him:)
it was beautiful out that night

in the morning i leave for steph’s to spend tuesday and wednesday with mom, then i head over to laporte to watch the kids, while luke and tam go to corpus christi for their 10th anniversary, then adams shower on sunday…. i’ll be back in lafayette sunday night………………it’s going to be a long week, not sleeping in my bed for 5 nights!
my vera bradley bag is getting worn! the next weekend is the annual memorial day work weekend at camp lutherhaven, then the next weekend in june is our confirmation retreat, mike and i have to be there…………….
i will be ready for a break in june after that!!!
it seems we are busier now than we were with kids…how can that be!?!?!

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