got here yesterday, got a good nights sleep, my trip was long……………………………..
i watched a ton of old shows on the plane, watched music videos…never did sleep, you could watch where you were at on the screen, i thought to myself it was exactly one year ago when we were in the yukon, and here i was flying over it

read from my nook and drank a couple beers, they are free on international flights

my first glimpse of korea, through the window

i got here and had to go through baggage claim and customs before getting to see shel and james and eliza… i was pretty thrilled to finally be here and see them… that flight was not fun, after about 10 hours, i thought to myself, 5 more hours of this is torture! but i made it and was just following the crowd, had to get on a tram and go to the baggage, it was like herding cows all going the same way, so i just followed everyone, i must have looked confused or scared at one time because one of the flight crew walked up near me and just said, just keep following everyone, you’ll make it:) i wish it was like the old days, when you get off the plane and someone is standing there waiting!

driving from the airport

hmmmmmmmmm yeah????

loved having this little one next to me:)

coming home to the viva family complex

you literally go past places like this, right outside of the viva complex… and then you are here


camp casey entrance is within walking distance of their place


this was on my bedside table.. shel made up for me, with tea and teacup, postcards, chocolate…. beautiful welcome


  1. glad you are there safe. miss you already.
    never did get used to the time change, i called after you were in bed 🙁

  2. Yay!! Enjoy yourself! Glad you’re there safe and sound. So sweet of Shel to put together a welcome spot for you! 🙂

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