yesterday we went to toddler time at the library, shel leads this and did a patriotic theme this week.


the kids got to listen to a story,

color patriotic pictures, paint, (blowing paint with straws to make them look like fireworks) and then shel had treats for them she made, that were stars made out of rice krispie treats:)

eliza and her friend teagan

after lunch we headed to lunch at the golf club to have lunch with tori, simone and tina…..enjoyable. eliza is always pretty much (the belle of the ball here!) she is going to have to get used to not being so in the limelight everywhere she goes!!!) the koreans LOVE her!
stopped at the commissary complex, i guess that is what it is called, where all the shops are, and another stop at the post office, notice the sign…

everything is military time around here, i guess after awhile you would get used to this…. this is a whole different world for me not just being in another country, but the military life on top of it, is really something to experience! i have always heard that military guys are a brotherhood and it is very evident here… it’s like when you see the guys walking together, you just feel something different is happening… can’t explain it.

my time is messed up here, i am so tired by 9 or 10 and go to bed, shel and james stay up… i feel bad about checking out so early…then i am up at 5 or 6, so i read and post…. this is the view from my bedroom window




  1. To Verna, Shel, James & Eliza,
    How I am enjoying the experience through your blog posts and pics! Shel, I love how you have completely immersed yourself in the activities there! And so glad that your Mom was able to come and share this all with you! Enjoy this time! 🙂 Love you all!

  2. thanks mo:) i am enjoying the time here… one week is gone already! tell mikaela prayers are with her and i hope she has a most enjoyable time at camp!

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