yesterday i ventured out with eliza again, and i wished i had brought my camera… the fountain was on and she played in it! we again got ice cream from the corner store:) took it easy most of the day and then at night we had a going away dinner to go to for james from the warrior brotherhood…


this is tom holding eliza… he is going to miss her, i got to meet tom and his wife, he is such a kind, caring person, i could tell just by the first time i met him!

it was at a little philippine place…
hey josh we had some lumpia among other things… one of the dishes i thought i was taking mushrooms and they were little bitty eggs!
joshua and a called and i got to skype with them, ua was being all sentimental about selling his jeep wrangler… they got a jeep cherokee … i didn’t realize it, but i thought he said.. he had that wrangler for 7 years!

so summer is in full swing and our family is spread out all over… the world;)
of course shel, james and eliza and i are here. dav and whit are out at the ocean in the carolinas for a week… her family rented a house. luke and tam and the kids are out in california…. ua and a are in minnesota and adrienne is going soon to be flying to see her grandparents………..
and mike is home in lafayette with 3 dogs!!! i miss you and love you honey:) and i know the dogs are no treat with all the fireworks going on! hope you have some benadryl!!!
i hope you are taking care of the garden and watering everything:) here are a few pics of peoples gardens over here, i think they just plant in and among rocks and any place there is dirt!




this morning we got up and went to the gulf club for a breakfast buffet, then headed to church,
the chaplain came here a year ago on the 4th of july, and has one more year here… after church we talked and when i asked him where he was from he said columbia and added i have nothing to do with drugs!…. he studied at the seminary and became a catholic priest, then changed to episcopal and got married, and then enlisted and is now a chaplain…
the sermon text, gospel was from matthew … come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest……….. is that what the lessons were in the states anybody??? i guess i have to wait til sunday for you:)
here he is preparing communion……….

poor james, he is working on the car at camp, on the way to church something made a not good noise…a belt broke on the car, so the chaplain gave shel, me and eliza a ride home:) he just finished working all day on the day of the parade on the air conditioning!
blessings on your day

One Comment

  1. our readings were indeed the same.
    the new LHM speaker preached on the
    “worship for shut ins” this morning 🙂

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