headed out on the train today

i do realize that i have taken a zillion and one pics of eliza, i can’t help it, i’m making up for lost time:)
like eveyone says “she is so stinkin cute”
this is where to

the trains are very clean and very cheap to ride!… the train ride was 300 won = 30 cents!!!

had fun today shopping with shel, eliza and tori:) i know shel and eliza are really going to miss tori! she is one awesome friend, so glad shel found her…………and wouldn’t you know it…………she’s lutheran!!! she is originally from tennessee, tori and jason will be heading to seattle when they leave. one of there favorite stores is called artbox

and over here hello kitty is huge everywhere you go
we got to go to the market and we stopped and let eliza play in the fountain water


she looks like she is dancing with tori:)
we ate at burger king! yep that is what we picked and then cold stone creamery…..real american:) i know i’ll get around to trying some of the food while were here, probably when we go down to seoul

got shel a parasol,
all the korean women use these on a hot sunny day, and eliza a cute dress:)

eliza was again paid an awful lot of attention to!!! people taking pictures touching her, holding her, i’m telling you she is like a celebrity over here, the thing is, i think she knows it! she has a miss america wave going on every where she goes! it’s a sight to see!!! boy she is going to have a blow to her ego when she gets back to the states!!! the young boys and men pay just as much attention as the girls and older women
these two were on the train on the way home and they just take her and she feels very safe
great day out with the girls:) i used my card cause i didn’t have any won so mike you can see what i spent:)
tomorrow i’ll post the pics from the market, and some of eliza’s fans!

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