60 years old! and still having loads of fun:)
me and mike

nancy with the birthday boys:)

this was the night before… getting the hog ready,
getting ready
we partied into the night, and started the day, not really well rested, but none the less, the kids all had fun and were up to help get everything set up, thank you guys for all your help……………many hands make little work… all my kids were there and we never got a pic of all of us…

i only took a few pics,
here is one of my mom with her sister-in-law ginny elser and her niece jeannie silver
mom and ginney and geannie

this is the banner whitney made for me, for shel, james, eliza, and delia:) thanks whit, you’re the BEST!
mike took this late last night, sorry you can’t see delia’s name…

me and my cousin shelley from nevada

saw a lot of cousins we hadn’t seen in a while, one very special one dee dee…from tennessee, i loved talking with her, she has pics, i’ll try to get one… and this time, i was happy i got around to talk to everyone… pretty hot all day, but good times had by all:)

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