since saturday, i have been up north for a wedding, back again, church, then down to southern indiana, for a night, back again and in the morning i will leave to go back up north to be with mom…from one end of the state to the other…once again…..gas cheapest in whiteland 3.33 a galĀ  the most in lowell 3.65

thank you peg for you hospitality:) i got to be the first overnight guest at their new lake house:) got up in the morning, left in my pjs to head over to whits… a minute down the road… to watch the girls:) can’t get enough of them when they are little, they grow up so fast!

nana a de

had fun playing with enola


and deandra has to be one of the happiest babies i know:)those dimples are the best!



she naps real well too! couldn’t be better


sunday night whitney made dinner and brought it over to shel and james apartment as a welcome:) i met all of them there..peg, dav, whit and the girls….here dav is playing with the girls, when he would balance them they both would say”ta da” these two are going to have so much fun together:) i’m so happy they are down there… and i know shel is too!

e e

and i had to add this borrowed pic from emily’s site.. thanks emily:) dav and whit had their church picnic on sunday after getting home at almost 4 in the morning!!! david gave the kids rides with his tractor mower and the train ride he made:) awesome…………………notice who is in the very back one! it’s a hit with the kids down at whitecreek, eliza got to get a ride from uncle dave too:) i’m really so happy for all of them, to be living close to each other:)

davs ride

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