i know this is blurry, it was the only one i have of casey state champ!  2 in a row! great job casey!


yesterday, we took a motorcycle ride to crawfordsville to watch our great-nephews, taylor and casey race their carts,


the state championship races were going on at the ben hur speedway. we watched some of the qualifying races and then the main event. i really enjoyed watching them race, next time i will bring ear plugs though:)

alene and me in the trailer at night… we didn’t get home til 11, late night ride, but well worth it


darold and alene, your boys are always so polite to mike and me…you have done a great job of raising them:) we had a great time, thanks:)


  1. Glad you found the kids down there and enjoyed seeing Casey win. Sounds like it was a good finish – was good to see you and Mike today.

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