today the mail came early, i had to call whit, to thank her for doing this for all the kids… my delia charm!


sat here crying my eyes out, it’s things like this that just really make me wish it had all been so different, i want to play with that little girl and hold her and love her, but instead i will enjoy all the art she draws for us, and know that she is being loved and held by one much greater than me:)

our circle grows

then i open a card from aunt mary with a beautiful letter in it, thank you aunt mary for your words of comfort, we do thank God for family like you!

hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather, we took macy on a short bike ride last night, she jumped right on the bike and was very content to just lay on my lap:)


  1. i’m curious how many charms you will end up with altogether??? =0) you’re being blessed!

  2. i know, it will be fun adding a lot more:) you know i told the kids i wanted at least 3 from each of them:) that’s what i always said! luke and tam came through for me:)

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