thankful for all these kids!


pic taken before elijah got here, all the vanderbrandt kids so far………………

last weekend was a whirlwind weekend, mike went down friday and brought the girls home with him on saturday, i stayed home and cleaned and made dishes for our dinner on sunday… the girls spent the night and like shel would think …silly nana putting 2 little girls to bed and somehow thinking they were going to go to sleep together in the same bed! they giggled and jabbered for an hour, finally i separated them, into the crib and the pack n’ play, in the same room, they did eventually fall asleep but then were up early on sunday, showers, which enola hated, sorry enola, no time for a bath, getting 2 little girls hair done and dressed for early service was fun:)


so we decided to do early service, they were so good, everyone enjoyed their absolute cuteness:) and after having them for a few days, i looked up to heaven and said “mom, i think i know a little of what you went through!” but i have to say the rewards are worth it:)

had dinner than on sunday


emma read the pilgrims custom story to us,these were the favors with the 5 kernels of corn custom


after we listened to one of Ua’s song, since they couldn’t be with us, they were with us in song:) and mike led us in prayer….had all the vandercars minus UA and A and all the hildebrandts, elden and aaron and rachel and elijah, came after dinner. whit spent the night with the girls and left monday afternoon, i kept eliza and still have her:)


went to laporte yesterday, i’ll share that in the next post, for now i am enjoying eliza’s nap time and think i will nap too!

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