during advent last year:)


sitting here today, bawling my eyes out! i miss my mom really bad! i don’t know if it’s because all the holiday stuff going on or what, but i can’t get her out of my mind, not that i want to! it just hurts…


my computer goes through a save mode and pics just start popping up and this is one of the pics… my mom gave UA, my dad’s and her cribbage board last year on his birthday! you can’t imagine the games played on that board over the years! it brings back memories of walking in and them playing and always having the jar with their money it! and hearing them “talk cribbage!”


  1. remember this morning, i said a pic tells sooo much of a story, each pic. in this one, it brought back all the memories of – when she stopped wearing her glasses and her teeth, her watch pinned to her that talked (i hated that thing. she always asked me what time it was, i’d tell her a time, then she’d push the button and tell me a minute or two off 🙁 i got to where i’d say, “it’s almost or around a certain time) i know she was sitting on her walker chair. her cross and her hands folded. yes, i miss my mommy too. love you.

  2. there is much to be missed. what an incredible lady, who loved dearly and was dearly loved. it will be really strange to stay at steph’s next week and not have her there. love and prayers for all of you. < a

  3. it was very hard for me, the first time i walked back into steph’s house after she wasn’t there

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