so i have been feeling blah, and i thought it would do me good to go volunteer at a school in a santa’s workshop. one of the ladies from church said they needed people to help wrap so i went, thinking it would cheer me up some…. it did just the opposite! pretty depressed about having to see and witness how little some people have and feeling pretty sad for the kids in that school. it is, i guess what you would call an inner city school in lafayette, one lady said a good share of the kids in that school are on free or reduced lunches… the signs in the hallways were in english and spanish!                   all the kids got to pick one gift for one person in their family, how hard would that be!?!? and the stuff was dollar store stuff, i just don’t really know how to explain my experience, i put a smile on my face and helped them pick the paper and bows they wanted, and did my best to make all of them feel special….

when you are out shopping this Christmas make sure you support groups like toys for tots or salvation army, it’s just the right thing to do!

and thank God for all the blessings he has given to you


  1. that would be awesome nancy, if you bring me some i will get them to them, somehow, this was an elementary school i worked with k-6th

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