we had our CHRISTmas yesterday and this morning, now all the kids are back home or at other family gatherings…we sure had a house full, and now it’s just nana and papa and the dogs! i’ll have to post one of the kids and family after this one, but i wanted to thank my awesome talented daughters for all their gifts,


i absolutely love when they make us things, it’s the best getting the gifts which are homemade:) and i have to add a thank you to the guys for the gift cards received, didn’t want to leave the guys out! adrienne is an artist:) she painted a family tree, with hearts as the leaves, with all the names and our babies in heaven too:)


tammy made some jam and the kids silhouettes and me a tea wallet


whit made us our coffee mugs


shel made us an ornament of eliza’s handprint (notice the ornament near it, i gave one to shel and one for me, it is mary and the baby, but i told shel when i got them i was thinking it was her and delia) IMG_5513

and a wallet shel made, with of course our favorite restaurant gift card in it:) IMG_5526

and james and shel together made this for papa,


i’m not sure the story behind him breaking the crowbar while working on the house, but they decided to put it in a shadow box for him,

and the plaque says “MIKE VANDERCAR made possible by always taking the heavy end 2011”

and that is an inside joke with all my boys and now james hears the same story from papa:)

the girls all made gifts for each other and the boys did a six pack beer exchange:) of all different beers

we were blessed to have all of our kids and grandkids here, spiral ham dinner and fixings, opening presents, mass chaos, hot tub,then all spend the night, pinterest breakfast….airbeds in the living room and dining room, we make it work…WE ARE FAMILY! PRICELESS

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