
opening presents…eliza and enola and deandra got their trains this year, now they can have a train around the bottom of their own christmas trees:) only one more to buy…for pip:) on his or her 3rd christmas


luke and dav opening their nerf guns 🙂


levi loved his new boots


waiting for theirs, nana was passing them out and papa was taking the pics, evia has that look, like i wonder what is in one for me:) clothes, boots, books and american girl doll stuff:)


james opening his shrinky dinks! he had never heard of them, i thought he needed to experience them:)


wow this all looks like fun…wears a baby out!


the big girls opening their gifts


adrienne checking out her new pjs


at dave and sandy’s waiting for the movie to start!


joshua and adrienne


grab bag exchange in the garage, thank you to susie and jerry for being the hosts this year and for dave and sandy for opening up their house for all of us


praying everyone joy in the new year, todays devotion i thought was good…. do you have anything you need to exchange today!

Do You Have Anything That Needs Exchanging?
This devotional was written by Jim Burns

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. —Matthew 11:28-30

Today, stores are busy processing exchanges. It happens every year right after Christmas. But have you ever thought about spiritual exchanges? They are always in season.

Do you have anything that you need to exchange with God today? I know I do. Is there anything going on that is particularly burdensome? Then God wants to take your burden and exchange it with His presence. Here is a prayer that I pray that often gives me great perspective.

Away from the world and hidden from public view,

I exchange my weariness for His strength,
I exchange my weakness for His power,
I exchange my darkness for His light,
I exchange my problems for His solutions,
I exchange my burdens for His freedom,
I exchange my frustrations for His peace,
I exchange my turmoil for His calm,
I exchange my hopes for His promises,
I exchange my afflictions for His balm of comfort,
I exchange my questions for His answers,
I exchange my confusion for His knowledge,
I exchange my doubt for His assurance,
I exchange my nothingness for His awesomeness,
I exchange the temporal for the eternal,
I exchange the impossible for the possible,
I exchange my fear for His love.

Today, take a moment to relinquish your will to the will of God. After all, He can take whatever you give him and lighten your load with His peace and presence.

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