every year since mike’s mom died, we have put an easter lily on the altar in her memory and then bring it to their grave, now for christmas we will put a poinsettia on the altar and then go and put it at my mom and dad’s grave… and we also put one on the altar for delia:) steph put the wreath there,


we have found ourselves back there a few times, just to talk, this road of grief we are going down is hard and i can’t thank a special friend for being there for me and just letting me sob on her shoulder! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!” it hurts, the pain is still too new, i know they say time heals, i need time…steph made the comment that we have never had to live on this earth without our mom, so this is new territory for us..it hurts

One Comment

  1. i know.

    I was in tears just tonite on my drive home from work.
    cause I just had a simple question that I wanted to ask my mom.
    a question I didn’t know to ask when I was busy being 20 something.
    and I was SOOO sad that I never asked it and that I will never hear my MOM’s answer.


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