What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?  VINCENT VAN GOGH

a few quotes of the day, sitting here thinking hmmm what if…. mike and i have been having quite a few conversations as of late about what if we go do this??? or that ???? what do you want to do??? we are waiting to see what our future holds and i have to tell you, it’s kind of exciting, scary maybe a little, but for me more exciting, and where ever we go or what ever we do for the next five years, we know it will be God’s plan and that is what makes it all ok:)

There are very few monsters who warrant the fear we have of them. ANDRE

and then this one, and i chuckled to my self when i read this one, because of a conversation with shel just the other day… about how eliza isn’t afraid of monsters and how she makes her monster sounds. i love her, she is growing and changing every day and her personality is shining through…it is really going to be fun to watch her grow:)

Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and of true progress. NICOLAS BUTLER

this one i especially like, because mike is an eternal optimist and i have to say, i love having lived with him for the past almost 37 years… he makes life totally worth living and i love that he ALWAYS  puts the best construction on everything! so that is why it has been easy of late to BE STILL…….PRAISE GOD!


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