we got another girl!!!
Aelah 2-12
aunt becky said levi is going to either feel lonely or special! i agree:)
born on her great great grandfather george vandercar’s birthday,
birthday…2-22-12, she weighed 8lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long, baby and mommy doing well… and daddy too!
Joshua, Adrienne, Aelah 2-12
we made it to the wisconsin state line when we received the news she had arrived, we met her when she was about 9 hours old, she is adorable, beautiful, precious….she looks a lot like ua’s baby pics, and am told adrienne’s also, and has the dark hair we knew she would have, of course with adriennes black hair:)
i love her name, adrienne said joshua found it in the old testament, it was the name of the valley david fought goliath, if you look it is elah, it was a kings name, it is a hebrew name for God …root meaning “fear’ or “reverence” found in the old testament books of ezra and daniel,and they added the A to make it more feminine:) plus they said they didn’t want people pronouncing it ella… so that’s the story of our newest gift from God:)
and today i am remembering delia:) she has been with jesus now for 6 months! i miss her and wished so much she could have met aelah…. nana loves you delia


  1. happy!

    so…do you pronounce it “eee-lah” “el-lah” “ah-lah” ?? “aaa-la” ????
    need an audio sound bite!!

  2. definitly need soundbite.

    i was horrible learning and remembering those long and short vowels. i never did get them sorted out.

    so a long A ….is like when fonzie says ‘aaaaaaayyyyyyeeee” ??

    can you believe I graduated out of anything?

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