this is for Shel and James and Delia:)
delias brick

this mornings bible study was very good, and i thought i would share parts of it on here… i am doing a Beth Moore bible study titled “James Mercy Triumphs” in today’s lesson she talks about Job’s trials… “you have heard of Job’s endurance and have seen the outcome from the Lord”
James 5:11 As you know, we considered blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverence and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
This all reminded me so much of shel and james test! yes the trials they had been put through and the testimony they gave through sharing that testimony via blogs and FB! so many people came to know what a strong faith they had and that they believe in HIS compassion and mercy.

Kurt A. Richardson writes, “Here is the sobering truth about the nature of trials in the life of righteous persons, that God allows them to be tested in order to prove their faith….In some ways their endurance proves the Lord’s boast in them”
WOW! to think that The Lord boasts in us is almost unthinkable!
Beth goes on to say “HE permits and sometimes even dictates difficulty for those in whom He boasts so that they will prove what HE already knows is true.” this is the part that was very comforting to me and I thank God that Shel and James were someone in whom God would boast!!! here it comes:)
The Lord does not put us to tests that HE knows in advance we don’t have the wherewithal to pass!
HE boasts in HIS faithful followers then lets us prove HIM right, and i know Shel and James proved HIM right!
then she goes on to say “How will we ever know what HE’S accomplished in us if HE doesn’t show us? And how will satan otherwise be proved a liar in our eyes?”
this was all too good not to share, in the end God knows how everything will turn out!
and she ends with saying” for every single person who belongs to HIM, it turns out well!!!

May God bless your day today, i am so glad i spent time in HIS word and you can be too after reading this:)

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