i can’t believe it’s been 6 mos. i miss her a lot, i look at the pic i took of her praying hands every day and talk to her, whenever i go past it… like i know she is listening:)


this is that same day in bible study, how i always remember her


and her holding my hand that day


and me holding her hand minutes after she was gone


i still want to ask her things and then  i come to… and realize i never will be able to….  it has gotten a little easier, but the tears still come at the most unsuspecting times.

things that comfort me:)…

i got her knife that i use all the time, thanks to erik:) he knows what i am talking about! she loved her knife and it’s history or should i say provenance!!! uncle bud got it for her… i do know it came from a butcher shop in chicago…. she prepared thousands of meals with this knife and the wood handle is so worn, but it makes me feel good holding that same knife she did:)


i love that she gave mike her cast iron frying pan, the one that nanny had passed to her…she knew he loved it and would use it:)


and he does every weekend when he makes us a huge mix of usually …eggs, sausage, potatoes, mushrooms, onions and what ever else he decides to throw in! i think to myself, mom you would love this:) and she would have, she loved good old fashioned cooking.. mike has always made breakfast on weekends and the kids really love his creamed eggs! they’re famous:) going through pictures, i found this one… i loved that she loved macy! she was always sneaking her table scraps, no wonder she never quit begging!


we were going to go to st james today, but remembered mike was the elder this sunday and had to help serve communion so last night we went to st james for service to hear the walther lutheran high school chorus sing and it brought back all those memories of singing with mom in the choir:)

my parents met at church walther league meetings at zion lutheran on the south side, the church my dad was raised in and went to school there… so anyway …during the sermon last night pastor was talking about the whips and he mentioned how his brothers and he, used to take branches of a weeping willow tree and strip the leaves and use them as whips! wow the memories of doing the exact thing at lake eliza flooded back… we did the same thing all the time, i had not thought of that in ages!

holding onto all those memories:)


  1. thanks susie, and that frying pan doesn’t look that big in that pic.. but it’s a big one! it’s a 12″ one, we usually use a 8″ one

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