
hanging with eliza and shel,

eliza’s first trip to IKEA,


shel and james new bed on top of the pacifica, we had ratchet straps and couldn’t figure it out, so some good old boys:) helped us and one of them made the comment about “i could make some feminist joke” and steph said go ahead we are ok with that…. we are kept women!”  we need our guys and aren’t afraid to admit it:)

heading up to munster for a play…… my birthday present… from steph, then a good friend taking us out for our birthday:) then back here to pack and heading out early tomorrow for minnesota to see UA and A can’t wait:)

We have no right to ask when sorrow comes, “Why did this happen to me?”

unless we ask the same question for every moment of happiness that comes our way. ~Author Unknown

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