
we love company….that is when we are here! luke and tam came down last night, after leaving grandmas, we left and went to a party, then drove back, the kids were all in bed when we got back. before the party we visited at grandmas a bit with ed and hannah and melinda, hannah helped me peel and cut potatoes for a pot of potato soup, mom said “i feel so worthless”, i told her to go sit down and don’t worry about it and told her not to feel that way, it’s ok to let us do things now… so she did, she really doesn’t have the energy anymore to be able to stand in the kitchen….melinda was running around and playing with emma and evia, she came running over to me and asked “are you emma’s grandma?” i said yes i am, she calls me nana. she looked at me kind of strange and said WOW…. i’m thinking what was going on in her head is my grandma is a lot older than emmas grandma!!! she looked quite confused and amazed!

took this pic of the kids for a frame, shel bought me for my birthday .


…it has 3 openings so i will put one of the 3 together, and then one of eliza and one of enola…the frame says

cherish special moments together….NANA

i sure am…. thank you shel:) the girls were so excited to give me my mothers day gift, i got new pjs, a new country living shopping bag and some hazelnut coffee beans:) thanks luke and tam we enjoyed spending some time with you here, before the wedding. love you

em playing on my computer


levi lovin his popsicles


em and papa chillin together


i think it’s the puppies fault:)


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