i have always had a love of good humor ice cream, i guess it is because it reminds me of my childhood on troy st. when we heard the music we would run in and get our nickel and catch up to the good humor man to get our wah=hoo bar…

flash to friday, mike and i are in the yard and hear what i think is an ice cream truck, kind of odd music, i say to mike      “i think that guy is playing christmas music!?!? silent night actually:) when i see the truck turn the corner…. come down our alley, it was a good humor truck, i got so excited, i ran out to him, said i want your picture, any other kind of ice cream truck would not have mattered, but a good humor ice cream truck! i didn’t even know they still existed!!!

here is a pic of my little match box good humor truck, just to prove my love affair:)


here he is, don’t think he spoke english? i asked for a wah-hoo bar and he had no idea what i was talking about, so i asked for a dreamsicle


he handed me a drumstick and guess how much my excitement cost me!?!? $2.50 yep mike said that’s robbery, you probably just supported an illegal!!! shame on you mike for making such judgements


it was worth $2.50 just for the memories:)

edit: just to show how much mike and i think alike though, here is a pic of a t-shirt seen down in helen, ga.


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