peonies are all in bloom (just about done already though, these were taken last week) i have dark pink, med and light, there used to be 10 times more, i have given a bunch away, when i thought we were going to sell





hostas from steph


iris from linda c.


this was my garden last week, already looks different


i love the yard, it is small but easy to keep looking nice, mike put weed and feed on it this year and already it has made a huge difference, we eat a lot of our meals outside in the spring and summer


have a blessed day, heading up north to take mom to bible study:)

i thought this was good from focus on the family:

From Showers to Flowers

Most of us love flowers–their colors, intricate shapes and heavenly scents. Which brings to mind the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” However, in the midst of those showers, we’re not always focused on the beauty that is to come. Often, we’re merely thinking about how cold and
wet it is!

Life is like that. At one time or another, all of us will face uncomfortable challenges, setbacks and obstacles. But the truth is that they’re an essential part of our growth. In fact, they may even produce a harvest of beauty that reveals God to others.

One Comment

  1. peonies remind me of the backyard of 105 w. 181st : )

    well, the garden too for that matter!

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