“rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances”

so much on my mind, don’t even know where to start! last night we went up to steph and elden’s on the bike, a beautiful night for a bike ride:) went up to share each others alaska pictures, with a couple of couples…. enjoyed our time there, drinking elden’s home brew, he does make some good beer! steph also had pitchers of i think black russians?? i had a sip, but that was all, can’t handle the hard stuff! (i do have pics if i can figure out how to get them off of my phone)

went up stairs to talk with mom, she was all worried about us being on the bike, “are you warm enough”…”yes mom we have leathers”, “what if it rains”…”we have rain gear”….. “i’m praying those angels are all around you” …”thanks mom i pray also every time i get on the bike”…. she says, ” but i don’t like not knowing… when you are on it, because i can’t pray for you then! ” then she asks, “now, do i call this home?” “yep this is home”  and a whole conversation that was confusing at times and at times… i just be pretty evasive, just for her sake.

she tells me about the little ones being there, she thinks it was one of the little girls, emma or evia can’t remember which one… she said “i had my hands folded”, and she says “grandma when you have your hands folded all the time, are you always praying?” i love these times she is getting with the little ones:) it warms my heart for her and them!

helped her get ready for bed and she got sick… now i was informed steph had just announced to the whole world…. via FB that this was a good week, no puking! ummmmmmmmmmm clean up in aisle 4!!! i was just glad i could spare steph at least one clean-up while they were all downstairs! putting her to bed, she says “i’m sorry” when she says that, it really makes me sad, rubbing her back and telling her “mom, i love you,good night, sleep tight”, i walk out of the room with tears filling my eyes….I HATE THIS!

the ride home at midnight was beautiful, the moon out, going down the road listening to XM first song smoke on the water by deep purple…………..then miles down the road the same song… only this time by santana, their version not so good………..brings back so many memories, first released in 1972 the year i graduated, remember listening to it out in new york, on canada lake up in the adirondacks that summer! close my eyes, breath deep i love these rides, they really make me stop and enjoy everything around me, i feel so relaxed………then i get woke to hear.. coming through my intercom..” i was in that lane for a purpose, ass hole!!!” only to look up and see a guy passing on the right, right next to a semi that was pulled off on the shoulder…………..yeah some people are jerk drivers…..back to reality!

i love this time of year, my favorite season has always been fall, i love the sights and the smells, and a pot of chili cooking on the stove. things here in lafayette have been pretty quiet, this week we are going to be housing a team from youth encounter for a couple of nights and then hoping to hook up with UA and A in door county somewhere the next week… we have a ton of stuff going on at church that we are involved in, confirmation starts for this year…next sunday, and mike and i have been asked to lead a bible study on marriage, think we are going to do it in the winter session and maybe even put together a retreat. all in all LIFE IS GOOD  i just miss my kids a lot, that is probably why mike and i stay so busy! heading to lutherhaven tomorrow for a meeting… on the bike:)

i’ll quit rambling for now……….

“rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances”

hey i figured it out:)  here’s some pics from last night…………mike, steph and elden, allis’ and thompsons, looking at pics and enjoying some brew:)







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