our garden did real good this year, and mike enjoyed having slices of tomato with his lunches:) he said he’s going to miss them when they are gone! some of them were deformed but it didn’t affect the taste, i don’t know why that happened, there is one in the pic. the orange tomatoes were the best…we had a ton of green peppers too, i even froze bags of cut up peppers for chili and omelettes:) i can’t believe we are near the end of october, it’s towards the end of the harvest…………. we have much to be thankful for:) my little garden, really out did herself this year… crazy ……………..i think i’m getting the itch to be back out in the country…………

One Comment

  1. musta been lafayette weather. cori just told me today, that she just harvested 7 more peppers for the freezer!

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