
we are having a special called meeting with pastor and the elders, please pray for all involved. mike and i help with the confirmation class and we feel, some things need to change and that our kids are not prepared to be confirmed… i do realize we are working with 8th grade boys here…5 of them… so we need to depend on parent affirmation and involvement, and we don’t get much of that…sad to say.
expect much -get much…… expect little – get little….
brings back memories of steph and kim going to bat for the kids at st. michaels and wanting more of the confirmation program:)
why do some parents of today let the system raise their kids, it’s not right, you need to be involved in every aspect of bringing up your children…..
i will stop because i will probably offend if i go on
God’s Peace

*We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking only to
learn that it is God shaking them. —— Charles West

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