Our life is full of brokenness – broken relationships, broken
promises, broken expectations. How can we live with that
brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by
returning again and again to God’s faithful presence in our

today is a rough day:( mike left for his bible study and i fell back asleep… i overslept to awaken to she’ls call, had to get up quick and get ready and leave and head up here to mom’s bible study…. in the rush, i forgot my phone and purse… get here and get mom loaded and head to church… get there and she has to go, she says drop me at the front door fast! go to open the door it’s locked…i have to run to the back door of the church and run to get the front door opened, she makes it…thank you Lord for small miracles:) get back in class and she has to go again… after a few minutes she wants to come home, pastor is giving her comfort, while i go get the pacifica, up to the door, the secretary comes out and says “your mom is making me cry…. i lose it and we are both in the office crying on each others shoulders! mom says “are you alright?”…get her loaded back up again and she wants to go home and back to bed… first a quick stop for a hot chocolate that she requests, because her stomach is empty…. takes a few sips and we get home and she has to get sick… she’s sitting on the edge of the tub, head in toilet , i’m rubbing her back all the while, while tears are falling on her back……Dear Lord be with my mom, and my prayer is come Lord Jesus come. amen


  1. oh verna, my heart goes out to you and your family, with lots of prayers!
    if there is anything, at anytime, I could help you with, please do not hesitate to call me. Love, ((hugs)) and Prayers.

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