just got home about a half an hour ago and totally exhausted, long day that didn’t get any better, in fact got much worse…i will spare you the details this time! called the church and asked if the bible study group would consider coming to steph’s house so she doesn’t have to go out. the nurse said she saw a major change in a week… she also said she will hide how she feels to people who call and are not there, because it is her way of protecting them… she knows she can’t hide it from us though…. the hospice people are great….pastor weber and marilyn came by to see her, everyone was really concerned because of the way we left bible study this morning… i love that for my mom she has very good church family that will drop everything and come over… she is blessed in her relationships and i love that pastor prays with all of us… at this point it is pretty much all we have. my mind can’t think straight right now… Joshua thank you for the talk tonight…. i love you all…my heart hurts and i am sad…. good night


  1. We’re praying for your family, Verna. I know how it hurts, but I just keep thinking about Mike saying during one of our many vigils around Mom. “Thy will be done” Just remember that you twins have given your mom the best final months that she could ask for. Remember there is a time for everything…. May she find peace soon and may you all have peace in your hearts that you have done all you can. Love you, Susie

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