whats better than a DQ ice cream cake? a DQ ice cream cake with an announcement on it!!!

while up in minnesota this past week, i got the amazing news that joshUA and Adrienne are expecting our 8th grand baby!!! yes we will have 3 new babies this year and are so thankful for God’s goodness in blessing our family! so i am praying for 3 boys to even the numbers:) wouldn’t that be cool:) shel and adrienne will be about 3 weeks apart!

our trip was prolonged by 2 nights with a stay in a hotel in deforest, wi. because of the snow and ice, and then a night at stephs… i got sick toward the end and have been trying to get back on my feet ever since.


  1. I was REALLY confused, especially since I already knew about Joshua and Adrienne! I was thinking…three of them are already pregnant…who is it now? Tammy? 🙂

  2. didn’t mean to confuse you alyssa… i just had not made the official announcement on my page:) and i am sure tammy would tell you it would have to be an immaculate conception!

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