yesterday i gave blood! that is big for me! mike gives double reds and is up over 10 gallons… i was always pretty petrified with blood, but i got to thinking about it and i thought………….i can do this! and i will do this! levi was my motivation….inspiration, i thought i can do this for all the kids that need blood everyday, so mike and i went to the indiana blood center together


and when the time came to sit in the chair and be hooked up, it took 3 different people to find a vein that would work! they asked if i still wanted to do it and i said yes, all i did was think of levi the whole time, the worse part was getting poked, once they had me going it wasn’t bad, until i saw the bag of blood,


i thought i was going to get sick seeing that, but after awhile i said “can i take a picture? this my first time and this is big!!! mike was sitting in the chair across from me


so i get to check that off my list:)
i have been checking things off right and left since my birthday

X give blood
X physical
X mammogram scheduled
X pap smear done
X eyes tested, still gotta find some frames i like
X give up drinking coffee………..i did this one for UA 🙂 i have not had a cup of coffee since my birthday, almost 3 weeks now, i don’t really miss it, i had weaned myself off
X now i’m drinking tea while i read with my…………..
X get a nook! (my birthday present from papa)
i love pink!!!
shel sent me her “eat, love pray” book, so that is the first book i am going to read on it, i bought myself a cover and a light for it, so i’ll have that for the long plane ride to korea, in september

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