grandma got to come down last week, she slept on the couch with macy right by her side for 2 hours, when they got up, i heard her telling macy….. “be a good dog when i am gone”, then she said “this will be the last time i will see you” it was like she was saying goodbye
she never really took to too many dogs, but for some reason she loves macy:)
she was very weak that day, but today i am up at stephs and once again she has bounced back…. she has good days and bad days…..


  1. and I will add..”Verna was around the corner…holding back the tears”
    scratch that…we all know there is no holding back tears, when it comes to scenes this precious :’ X

  2. oh, nancy you know me all too well! my mom and i have gotten closer than we ever were this past year, can’t help but think that is why God is letting us have her longer

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